Monday, February 27, 2023
Theater research tr-2810 manual.Theater Research TR-2810 floor standing speaker ???
Theater Research TR Floorstanding Speakers - The Music Room. Theater research tr-2810 manual
I'm sure it's some made up name and number anyways. Well, I for one am definitely feeling vulnerable right now. I can't believe he pressured me into buying those dang speakers. I didn't want them!!! Jason P. But when I got them home they didn't work, nothing, no static or anything.
I'm not saying this is a scam, just be aware that you are gambling by doing this. Greg M. Posted on Friday, October 31, - GMT continuation from post above : here's the address and phone on the receipt that i got Posted on Friday, October 31, - GMT Seemingly the old adage that there's a sucker born every day was a gross underestimation.
I feel like some kind of freakin' Einstein after browsing this thread! They sound just fine. I hooked my to a Yamaha 7-Channel reciever and the speakers rock my living room. Enough with all the tough guy bullshit "I'm gonna mess you up and get my money back if I see you again".
I think we all learned years ago that talking tough behind your monitor doesn't prove anything. I know that some of you now probably think I'm one of the people selling these things but you know what? Just give any of the TR speakers that you bought decent power and not some donkey setup and then tell me you got scammed. Posted on Sunday, November 02, - GMT Seriously, who do all these people think they are trying to tell other people how to make money?
Which I think I will inform them about I hope the goverment does something about this Younger, shorter guy, and a larger, heavyset girl in the passenger seat, didn't say a word. Both in their early 20's or so. Going to hook them up tomorrow to see if I did get jacked or not, but from majority of the posts here, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Posted on Friday, November 07, - GMT I got the tr about 2 months ago and then rattle my whole house and my nieghbors houses windows which are 30 yards away. What a deal thank you for that white van that stopped me leaving the bank. You live in a dorm room and your neighbor's house is 30 yeards away? I didn't know retards could attend college.
Please let me know the name of the retard college you attend so I can send my son there. He also bought these generic speakers. By the way, I was able to get my son's money back. Plus, he got to keep the speakers By the way, if you own a set of Tr's they turned his inch TV green If you want you money back and have a receipt, all I can say is scam the scammers if you're smart enough. Unfortunately, it sounds like most of the people on this message are not.
Everyone enjoy your sub-par speakers. Anyone who is happy with their system want to buy another one? I turned them into Ohio's state attorney general's office and the BBB. They wll go after them. I got scammed Columbus, OH and I got my money back. They will keep trying to blow you off. Let them know you mean business. If anyone got scammed in ohio, it was probably by the following company "Audio Dynamics" Provident Drive Cincinnati, Oh I have 3 contact names for you Chris and Tony sold me the speakers and I talked to "the boss" named Joe Murray.
Murray's 's are as follows: put this in google and you will find the address of Mr. I don't need it now. E-mail me: tvv96 mail. Posted on Thursday, November 13, - GMT consumer, no one in their right mind who has written on this board would buy your speakers. What colour was the Van? I am looking for the TR from the red van cause they are the best!
Email me at Imafool Takemymoneyidontneedit. Mike ock. By two guys that were really excited? Harry Laid. Igotta Brigin Brooklyn. My aren't you the smart one. It really is weirtd that you wouldn't spend that much in a store but on the street its a real deal.
WTF are you people nuts? A couple of people in Cincinnati that I knew on a personal basis were selling speakers like this out of a van. This was in or so.. These speakers are crap as far as I am concerned. Save your Money!!!! I was actually approached a few weeks ago by some guy in another van while I was leaving a bank If I would have had my cell phone i would have followed the guy around and promptly dialed the local police..
Let me hook them up to my power amp that "really" puts out watts.. I can't find one listing where someone got a refund. I mailed a copy of my receipt to Cincy, OH.
Then a contact from the store that supposedly sells them contacted me about 2 weeks after I mailed the receipt. Also, I sent a professional letter along with my receipt stating that I am cancelling the transaction within the 3 day period as stated.
Also, I was very persistent once I received a contact's full name and number. ED Enterprise. Three guys in a green Expedition were driving through my apartment complex and stopped me. I was a bit skeptical about this at first. They told me the same overstock line and showed me invoices and advertisements. They said they wanted to get a little something for selling them instead of letting their boss taking the speakers.
The young guys told me they went to Texas State Univ. One of the guys gave me his cell number and told me to give him a call if I was ever in San Marcos and to take them out bar hopping since they gave me a great deal!
As with my wife, they "work" and, at least, look pretty. I spent a part-time career around canons and mortors firing eardrum-shattering rounds the early years of which I didn't use ear plugs! Hence, I have a hard time differentiating between the quality of the bottom-end and, say that of a Vienna Acoustics. I look at this as a "cheap" lesson; take it and learn from it: "If it sounds too good to be true Seond alternative lesson: it seems that with some of us, the older you get, the harder it is to remember lesson one.
D Unregistered guest. After comparing these speakers with similar items and prices, he is quite happy that he did end up purchasing the speakers from the guy in the SCION, he also still has his cell number. Yesterday, while I was watching bad boys 2, the speakers seem to work great, there is so much bass and they go pretty loud. Our family is happy that we got them and at a cheaper price then most have paid.
Castun Unregistered guest. Posted on Tuesday, December 23, - GMT Anyone ever consider the possibility that these same people who are apparently 'ectsatic' over their speaker purchase are the exact same people who ripped many of us off in the first place? Pocono Unregistered guest. With no directions or receiver information, I'm currently trying to find the right hook-up. But the 2 guys were the same smooth guys everyone else has apparently run into, with the same exact story.
Nice marketing campaign for TR, I'll give them that. I'm a little green at this speaker stuff, so can anyone tell me if I simply need a receiver for this to work?
Or is it much more? Pengo Unregistered guest. Or use bananna conectors. Iv bought some TR from the dude in spokane With the goat, wool hat and nice new shues blue Id like a bit of honesty.. Unregistered guest. Got the same story you all did. He said he had 2 sets to sell, and he would even come to my house to hook them up. Actually was a nice guy.
Showed me a brochure that listed the TR for I called my friend to check out their website www. He checked it out and he liked what he saw. Got a receipt from American Sound System in Schaumburg with the address and phone number of the place also got the driver's cell number. Got back to work and checked out the web to see how much these speakers were really worth.
Then I found this website. I felt like crap. I was pissed. So I pulled out the receipt to see if I could return the speakers. The receipt stated that I had 3 days to return the speakers. I called first tried to call the driver on his cell, but got his voicemail. I told him I wanted to return the speakers.
He said "that I need to fax him the receipt", which I did. I asked him if I can come drop off the speakers and get my money back. He said the driver has my money and the driver will contact me to arrange an exchange. I didn't feel too comfortable waiting for the drivers call. So I decided to go over Joe's office.
I took a friend with me. The meeting wasn't pleasant. Joe maybe lbs acted like a tough guy. He first said we will have to wait for the driver, then he will cut me a check.
I asked him "we have the speakers here, why not just cut us a check right now" at this point he asked us to leave and said if we don't "some will get hurt". My friend and I laughed. We decided we were getting anywhere here, so we left.
I then got in touch with the driver on his cell and he said he will get me my money back tomorrow and to give him a call in the morning. I called him the next morning and he said he will be out all day and that he could meet me at American Sound Systems at pm.
I also didn't feel to comfortable meeting him at American Sound Systems at night. I asked the driver to meet me at a near by Jewel, but he refused. I got worried, but still wanted my money back. So I called the Schaumburg police to see if I can get a police office to escort me. They agreed and I took an officer with me. The officer waited in the car.
I went in the front door and meet Joe again. I told him I was looking for the driver and Joe who now had a black eye, which put a smile on my face told me to wait outside and he will meet me out there with attitude. We then made the exchange. I gave him back the speakers and he gave me a check. I cashed the check first thing today morning. I do agree with some of the postings that say this is not a scam. This is more a sales pitch that I fell for. They make you believe you are getting an incredible deal.
If I never saw this website, I probably would still be thinking the same thing. For those of you who are stuck with the speakers, I wouldn't feel to bad. So you might have over paid. We all over pay for things in our life. Car's are a prime example. I did hook up one of the speakers and it worked, and they do look nice.
As for performance, I didn't check for that. I think I felt more cheated because I thought I was getting a great deal, but in actuality I was overpaying for something I didn't even need. I was lucky enough to get them returned. Good Luck to you all. Here is the place I returned my speakers to. Shimmygirl Unregistered guest. Just purchased a Theater Research TR Surround sound system from 2 guys in a white van parked outside the bank.
They claimed to be drivers for a company called American Sound Systems located in W. Bridgewater, MA. They gave the same scam story; they claimed they had rec'd Xtra inventory and were trying to get rid of it before returning to work.
Haven't tried the speakers yet. Went on-line and found this website. I wish I had known about this site before purchasing them. We need to put an end to this scam. Even if some of you are happy with your speakers, the tatics they employ to get people to purchase them is ethically wrong and probably illegal. You can't sell merchandise out of the back of a van without a vendor's license. Let's shut this operation down. Stand up for yourselves and help other unsuspecting victims in the process.
See Bureau ID They also do business under the name "Dogg Digital Audio". Just remember that Apathy is worse than the scam being put upon us. A comment to all those speaker guys out there.
Deadmothafuckas Unregistered guest. Got scammed in Calgary, I was pretty hung over and got the same bs story everyone else did including the white van and buying them beer crap. It is a scam and this is illegal. They seem to work allright, lack any real bass.
If you look at them closely you can tell they are cheaply made, from a distance they look allright though. Consider it a cheap lesson I guess. Don't know if i got scammed or not yet. How far should they be from my TV and is there any way to "shield" them from my TV? I also have a click that comes from the left speaker on occasion.
Is this the speaker or my 7 yr old sony reciever. How do they sound? Are they worth bucks? Are they clear can they handle power? Do they look and sound as good as they appear? I came across them while they had a customer chinese guy and was interested in listening only. I explained to them I don't even have a TV or my own place so he asked me how much I would be willing to pay for them today and I said and he countered "". Since they just sold one to the guy before me for and they had this one last one black 'stead of beige , I decided to buy and I drove one of the guys to the bank after they put the speakers in my car.
THe other guy followed and then I pulled , told them I only had and made out like bandit. After I got home, I researched and thought I got ripped off after reading all these messages here. Turns out, I got a deal cuz I knew how much they were actually going for from other guy without knowing anything about speaker specs.
Guys the bottom line is if youre buying off the street, you have to know the value and street value of the product and then also know speaker specs so you can negotiate even more. I learned a lesson that even I could have been ripped off completely had I not known what THEY would be willing to sell for. Would you buy a car without knowing how much it went for? NO, you would get ripped off in the thousands.
Be thankfull you didn't lose the house and rule of thumb, if you dont know, don't buy. Posted on Saturday, February 07, - GMT if you take off the back of your tv and put a wire on the tube ground going around the tube and the other end to a screw driver. Posted on Saturday, February 07, - GMT they are in erie,pa now just bought two tr for two hundred dollars should i keep them??? Audiophile Unregistered guest.
I hate to say it, but the "white van selling speakers" scam has been around for at least 25 years that's when I saw my first set of van speakers.
Folks - if its a good product, why are they selling it out of vans elicitly? If its a good product, why do some of the "salesmen" tell lies about the origin of the speakers? Go to www. And if you open your speakers up, you won't even find a crossover which is a necessary part. These speakers were probably assembled overseas for less than 25 dollars each. AND, they were made with one purpose - to part the unsuspecting and gullible from their cash.
No harm, no foul, right? Except that it irks me as an audio buff to know that for the same dollars, you could actually get something fairly decent, or if you enterprising, you could make some yourself which are quite amazing. This is the same tweeter that is used by some of the wonderful legit!
By the way And, with the entry of Ebay, they are now forgoing the white van altogether and just selling them there, complete with invitiations to "check out the manufacturers website! Sorry to rain on your parades. Just remember, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
Don't fall prey to the smooth talking con men who need your money NOW I'm sorry for all of your collective losses. By the way - how do I know all of this information? I used to sell them!! That is, until I got married a long time ago, and saw that making a living cheating others was not a very nice way to spend your life.
Posted on Tuesday, February 17, - GMT Outside of the scam and the cost for the TR, does anyone have an opinion on whether these speakers can actually be used without ruining the TV? I asked him were did he buy them from? When hee told me he got them jrom a guy in a van ,I almost died. Well he hasn't connected them yet.
Well anyone out there that has the TR's? Are they any good? Are they shield? I bought a pair of theater research on ebay. These are the ones with the powered subs. These speakers are loud and they sound good. So here is the low down. If you want to buy a good speaker for a good price you won't find anything better. I work for our state Department of Human Services. We are constantly warning our clients about these guys. We rank the White Van guys up there with miracle waterless cookware, Magic water filters, etc.
All are wildy inflated items of marginal performance or usefulness. They operate the same, to deceive and defraud. Yes they may work , but they are taking money, in a lot of instances, from people who can least afford it using false claims and pressure sales.
They are defrauding the government by selling without proper licenses, not paying sales tax or withholding. Finally they defraud their employees by pulling the old "independent contractor" routine These guys have to buy the merchandise, pay for the sales material, rent the vans, pay for the gas, then are told to take ANYTHING to make a sale.
The end result is they make little or no money. You better believe it! DJ Unregistered guest. Does anyone get a pair. Non-shielded front speakers might cause a problem, depending on how close they are to the television and the magnetic pull in their drivers.
It is smart to not buy unshielded speakers for the front end of a surround system. But if you already have a pair of unshielded front speakers just try and separate them at least 3 feet from the television. It won't damage the tv anyway, but it will cause lines and waviness if there is a problem. If it causes a problem they either have to be moved farther apart or you will need new shielded front speakers and maybe use them for surround speakers.
Shirley-- You want a black piano gloss cabinet or black piano gloss cabinets with speakers in them? There are various manufacturers that make speakers with black piano gloss cabinets. The finish usually comes at a premium and shows a lot of dust and fingerprints--but they are beautiful when clean.
To recommend any it would be necessary to know your room size, your budget, your receiver, and whether you want a complete 5. Piano Lover Unregistered guest. If you read the manual and even check out the website trtheaterresearch. By reading the phony 3page owner's manual in its entirety I could tell by all the typos and errors that this deal was a crock. I feel bad for my bro but I learned a lesson I won't forget.
We also have a Pioneer watt system and in comparison, the Theater Research speakers don't have anywhere near the watts that it claims. They sound o. If the system says its watts-- then thats what I want to hear. I agree that these white van salesmen should be honest about what they are selling and let the buyer determine whether they want the product or not. You should not be forced to settle for less that what you believed you were paying for.
There are a lot of crooks, cons, scams, or whatever you want to call it so my advice is to go with your first instinct and keep your money in your pocket.
You never know what you're gonna get when you buy products off the streets. At least if you buy from a store markups or not you know you can return it if you don't like it. PayBack88 Unregistered guest. Posted on Wednesday, April 21, - GMT You guys all got scamed, i actually saw those guys last week at the bank Scottsss Unregistered guest.
I called the on their and the company did indeed pick up the phone. I just pretended like I called the wrong. The receipt even shows an address to send a letter within 3 days for full refund. Two kids green Ford van tried to sell me some TR stuff had the whole back full, surround, home theater etc etc. Said it was the Bose series TR blagh blagh blagh anyway said there boss got a double order of stuff and they had to get rid of it before he found out, even showed an invoice.
Gave them my number and asked for them to give me a call in an hour so I could do some research. Well I found this post area and am glad that I didnt listen to my impulsive side. Hope what you said is true Gonna have to find a Payback of my own I was very surprised to see they work One born every minute, huh? Problem I see here is too many people trying to get something for nothing. There are great deals out there on awesome audio but none available from white vans.
A friend gave them to me because she never opened them. I thought I might try selling them, but after taking a peek in the box I really hated to take someones money.
Everything is in the box, but the construction and drivers are dirt cheap. The thing they call a subwoofer has no amplifier or crossover. I am sure the speakers will play but I can't imagine the quality being good. I would suggest spending your money elsewhere. Unregistered Guest. Im thinking the only reason they have a site is so that you can look up a big price so you'll think you got a good deal!
The speaker manufacturer sets up a phony company and jacks up the price on a web site to make it look legit but never have an actuall adress.
These gutys are not paying taxes and are not selling a high quality speaker! SCAM anyways guys her's the site www.
Theater Research ripoff speakers This company is apparently selling through an organized scam. Their website is designed to look legit but presents fraudulent info about price, value, quality, etc. Check out ripoffreport. Their url for the list of complaints about these speakers is: www. So I did a google search and found out about the scam. Finally you can check things out before we buy!! You just have to know to do it!!! So why the secrecy?? Unregistered said:. I am sorry for all of you who got scammed.
However, they don't sound bad. I get a lot of repeat business. I sell them on my website along with a few other brands of speakers. The website is www.
Obviosuly They have to cut some corners to offer speakers that the prices they do, ie. However, they will blow any speakers from a home theater in the box package out of the water. Anyone else have recomendations for a budget speaker system? Anyone heared of Dogg Digital speakers? Exactly the same as the Theater Research, just a different badge. Even the web sites are identical. Compare DoggDigital. They also go by other names, paradyme paradigm knock off is one that comes to mind.
Ive read stories of people openeing the cainets of these chinese import white van speakers to discover that there are no crossovers at all, and some of the drivers are not even connected. This is a total scam. They do not care about satisfying customers, if they did they wouldnt change the compaines name everyweek and provide false business cards and phone numbers.. They wouldnt sell them out of the back of vans and on ebay! Jim Curtis Buffalo, Ny.
If you are as sofisticated sic as your spelling, I would take your opinion with a big grain of salt. Aliixer Audioholic. You would have to be deaf dumb and blind!!! I second that. The speakers are a scam. Who sells out of a van? Typical catch: I have these speakers they list for so and so The warehouse accidently put an extra set for a home delivery and we are trying to unload it before we return. Ha ha morons I know someone who sells these speakers, and I personally think it's a pretty awful way to make money.
Not that lies are uncommon in sales, but I just don't like the sales practices that are used with these things. Anyhow, just for the fun of it, I asked him if I could have a pair that he had laying around to try out and such -- I brought them home, set them up, and was surprised to find that they actually sounded decent. I won't say that I have an impressive audio setup. I don't. I think my system sounds fairly nice, though the room is terrible acustically -- it's about the size of a prison cell, and above a square foot basement.
Not great, not terrible either. This is at a low-mid volume. At higher volumes, my regular system still sounds a bit better than the TRs, but the TRs DO sound much better at high volume than low. Just my personal opinion for anyone who cares to know. If you expect them to provide excellent range, going from thumping bass to a whisper, forget it.
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